Learn to Fix Total Identified Windows Installations 0 Error Message

June Reeve
2 min readAug 13, 2021


Total identified Windows installations 0

The evil side of any OS is when random issues emerge without any prior warning. The problem increases when we encounter the same thing throughout the starting of the system. Total identified Windows installations 0 is one of the problems which arise while booting the pc would be in progress. The person feels extremely dissatisfied as it’s extremely hard to resolve the issue while you can’t move further when the total identified windows installations 0 issue emerges. This error can occur when the user switches off the pc while writing some vital data into the boot zone or because of the disk write issues, power outages, booting sector viruses, or issues made while manually configuring the Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD). In this blog, we will learn to solve this issue.

Steps to Fix Total Identified Windows Installations 0 Error

This issue may almost certainly be reasoned by the corrupted registry entries or damaged Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) store. There are a few solutions that you can choose.

1. The Boot Recovery

The booting file frequently becomes corrupted, and hence it Total identified Windows installations 0. Utilizing this solution can recover your boot file. This feature is incorporated with the windows. Therefore, it’s straightforward and quick for the users to carry out.

2. Repair Registry Entries

The windows registry holds various information, options, settings, and other program values installed on your windows. Hence, the possibility of the registry being corrupted is high. Therefore, you have to recover it with the assistance of the registry recovery, which resolves the Total identified Windows installations 0 error.

3. Installing The Windows Again

If nothing works for you, then there’ll be the only option left for you, which is installing your Windows OS again. Attempt to install the desired operating system again because once the windows have been infected mostly, the possible issue like the total identified windows installations 0 problems arise.

This problem can be proven a big headache if the individual does not know what it is and how they can fix the issue. Hence, we have shown you all the possible solutions that can help you resolve this error with some user-friendly and easy methods. Hopefully, the solutions mentioned above will help you. Try to utilize another solution if one doesn’t help you resolve the problem you are encountering.



June Reeve
June Reeve

Written by June Reeve


I am content writer & writing content since 10 years. I am writing the content on Tech issues and providing solutions on windows issues to my readers.